You trot towards the castle on Cloud. She is whistling the tune to X-Files. You accompany it by "du du du du du due! tu tu tu tu tu too! lala la la la lah!".
"Wouldn't it go a lot faster if we flew?" ~We have to finish the song!~
After a few minutes, you arrive at the doors of the castle. It's the biggest thing you ever saw, and is made of rough silver stone.
"This place is huge!" Cloud goes human and looks at you with her mocking smile. She bites her lip to hold back a laugh and pushes the door open. You shrug. ~I thought you understood human expressions...~ she mocks. You step in the open door.
The inside is just as impressive as the outside! The walls are of an extremely bright stone, silver, metallic, but stone all the same. "Anokryte," she turns around and glares at you. You assume that means 'don't ask' so you keep your mouth shut.
You bump into something heavy and red. You stumble back and look up. A big red dragon with a long tail is roosting on a rafter-like thing.
I am Serenade. I am the Keeper of this Castle. I will take you to the creatures who dwell in this place of gathering. Choose wisely.