Fujik, Raven, and Coleen'Sicor

The heat is beating on your face and back, and you search frantically for shelter from the sweltering heat. But all you see is desert. The hot sand is penetrating your shoes, and your feet are getting hot. But then you notice something-- you're not on normal sand anymore... you're on colored sand, changing colors every few feet, never mixing with another color... *Okay, this is real nice,... but it's hot...* you think to yourself.

Indeed it is, stranger. a voice says. You look. A draconic creature who would almost blend in with the sand-- if it weren't for his brighter coloring-- slithers up. He stands on his hind legs and looks you in the eyes, then slithers off, motioning you to follow him...


Just when you think you are going to collapse, you find yourself in a cool and bright cave. There is a small fountain gushing on a wide stalactmite, and you take a short drink.


You look up. A small dragon is blowing smoke at you. "O, wow! A visitor!" he flies around exitedly, "I'm Raven! That's Fujik! And we've entered this cave in a contest for a drigus from the *Dru'siti Desert*!" he zooms around the cave, and you have to duck to avoid being hit. "And guess what! We won!!! Lookie at our drigus..." he flies around some more, and your mouth drops over as a drigus mare walks in.

I can speak for myself, Yardkoz. she bows at you. I am Coleen'Sicor.
"And I'm gonna fight off *aaaaalll* the badguys!" he blows his smoke and then coughs. "Yea well... When I'll be *big* I will!" he says determinedly.
Coleen tries to hide her laughter by coughing. You grin, *I'm sure you will!* you pat him gently, and he croons.
"Hey! Come see the rest of the cave!!!" he zooms off, and you, Coleen and Fujik follow him.


When you get back to the opening of the cave, you find that you have to leave. You are reluctant, not wanting to return to the hot desert.
Do not fear, I have a portal! says Fujik.
Raven nods and zips around. "WE do! Yeppie yep! We do! Noone wants to go back into the desert, no no no!" he zooms around.
Coleen shakes her head...
You laugh at him and thank them, promising to return....

Name Colaan'Sicor
Species Drigus
Age Adult
Gender Male
Parentage ???
Mate Looking! ..wink..
Offspring Er.... No!

Body T, d
Head D, t
Tail t*, t*
Color O, w
Feet h, h
Ears T*, H
Spines n, n
Whiskers N, N
Mutation N, y

Back to the Ka Shi'tyun Ibii Forest
Back to the Ge'erai Desert

My URL: http://fly.to/TheFirstPegasus

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