Yrep'n and Spanlo...

You walk away from the Calicron, the heat beating your face, up to your ankles in the sand. You see an oasis in the distance. You run towards it, and someone pushes you in...

'Feel better?
You nod and get out of the cool water. Your vision clears and you see a two drigetti under the shade of a huge palm tree. They both have a purple mane, but one has a tiger tail and one has blue spines. Let's get into the cave... tiger-tail says. Blue-spine picks you up and flies you to the cave.

I'm Yrep'n! cries tiger-tail.

He sniffs the ground and plops himself down. I'm from Sha-haven. Ain't I cute? I'man adult now!

I'm Spanlo. I don't know where I'm from!!! blue-spine says. I was s'posed to have sisses and bros, but I don't know what's up with that.
You're it! Yrep'n nudges him.
It! Spanlo answers nudging Yrep'n.
You're it, stamp it, no erasees!
Double stamp it, no erasees!
Triple stamp it, no erasees!
You can't do that!
Can to!
Yrep'n turns his back to Spanlo, pretending not to hear. "Guys..." you say.
They exchange glances, then make up.
You're it you know...Yrep'n whispers.
Am not!!!!! they run off into the desert...

Despite their differences, I guess they get along.... You say wave goodbye and go to the next zeg'era'...

Name: Spanlo
Age: Adult
Mane Color: Purple
Body Color: Orange
Gender: Male
Mother: ?
Father: ?
Siblings: Tons!
Mate: Not yet...
Offspring: Noooo!

Name: Yrep'n
Age: Adult
Mane Color: Purple
Body Color: Orange
Gender: Male
Mother: ?
Father: ?
Siblings: Tons!
Mate: Not yet...
Offspring: Noooo!

Back to the Ka Shi'tyun Ibii Forest
Back to the Ge'erai Desert

My URL: http://fly.to/TheFirstPegasus

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