Akeo and Zenietin...

You walk away from the Calicron, the heat beating your face, up to your ankles in the sand. You fall to the ground. A drigus comes up behind you, and nudges you. It lifts you onto his neck and walks you into a desert cave, called a zeg'era'.

He drops you in the water and snorts. 'Feel better?
You nod and get out of the cool water. Your vision clears and you see a two drigetti in the big cave.

Hello! cries the yellow one.

He sniffs the ground and plops himself down. I'm Akeo, meaning 'Yellow'. I'm a real drigus, not like those wild--... the purple slaps him with her tail.

Give them a break! Gosh. Just because Cloud had to stay up until midnight to get you, you don't hafta be so sassy... she shakes her head.
Me?! Sassy?! Well EX CU-OOO-OOOZE me!
Zenietin turn her back on Akeo, pretending not to hear...
When the sun comes out, I hope he melts! but she smiles, and you can tell they're friends...

Sorry... Akeo blows. I mean... They ARE pretty nice...

I'm Zenietin. Which means 'lightning', unlike Akeo, which means 'lazy'... she grins.
Excuse me?! Are you looking at me?! Did you rub my lamp, did you bring me here, and now al of a sudden you're walking out on me!? I don't think so-- Zenietin put her wing in front of his mouth. We get it. she laughs.

Despite their differences, I guess they get along.... You say wave goodbye and go to the next zeg'era'...

Name: Akeo (89)
Age: Adult
Mane Color: Yellow
Body Color: Orange
Gender: Male
Mother: Neysia
Father: Kyrienev
Siblings: Tons!
Mate: Not yet...
Offspring: Noooo!

Name: Zenietin (224)
Age: Adult
Mane Color: Purple
Body Color: Orange
Gender: Female
Mother: Neysia
Father: Kyrienev
Siblings: Tons!
Mate: Not yet...
Offspring: Noooo!


Body: H*, d
Tail: m, t*
Ears: T*, H
Head: D*, t
Feet: D*, h
Spines: Y, n
Color: O, O
Whiskers: N, y
Mutation: N, N

Back to the Ka Shi'tyun Ibii Forest
Back to the Ge'erai Desert

My URL: http://fly.to/TheFirstPegasus

I got it for free at http://come.to

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